Friday, March 13, 2009

Response to the reader: “What ethics should bloggers have?”

Of course, in my point of view, every blogger should have a standard ethic, that is report the fact without any purpose, a kind of ethic that blogger should have is that they should be in justice, report the fact and lead the reader of the blog into a right way.

First of all, from the reader (Dan, p24) states that the fundamental thing for creating a blog is to gather facts. Then obey the principals of thoroughness, accuracy, fairness, transparency and independence. Accuracy emphasizes to be factual; fairness is hard because you should accept many different ideas and teach us learn to listen.

About the aspect of transparency, a way to be transparent is to find a good way to present a story. From my research, which is on blogging. Cell journalism is a form of citizen journalism, or the process of citizens reporting news, sidestepping traditional news media, and creating their own form of journalism. Ethical problems faced by cell journalists include all the problems associated with photojournalism in general: the digital manipulation of images, privacy concerns, and the use of graphic images.

Anyway, learn to listen, ethics needs listening, this is also how we learn.


  1. Wow Sophy :). nice to read your blog, it enriches my knowledge about blogging. Before, i didn't know that ethical problems associate with digital manipulation of images, because usually when i "travel" (i prefer to say this :p) from one blog to another, i always find the images are digitally enhanced (err..the blogs i usually travel to are cooking blogs or housewives' blogs

    the image are altered so much, make me starving and drolling when i see them..hohoho.. i assume maybe strict ethics only required to be present in serious blogs yea?
